【同义词辨析】 2017-06-07 愉快pleasure-enjoyment

pleasure: stresses a feeling of satisfaction or gratification rather than visible happiness: take ~ in one's possessions.   (happy幸福,基本意思就是satisfy满足gratify心理满足)

delight: usually reverses this emphasis and stresses lively expression of obvious satisfaction: the delight of grandparents in a new grandchild.

joy: may imply a more deep-rooted rapturous emotion than either pleasure or delight: felt a profound ~ at the sight.   rapture喜悦:强烈的幸福和喜悦intense bliss or delight: in speechless rapture during the entire wedding在婚礼上感到无法言表的喜悦

delectation: suggests amusement, diversion, or entertainment in relation to pleasurable experience: presented a variety of skits for their ~. (ade本身是一组同义词,amuse表示放松lightdiversion表示转移注意力即散心,entertain表示准备、提供让人amuse和divert的东西称作娱乐)

enjoyment: stresses a gratification or happiness resulting from a pleasurable experience: derived great ~ from her books and her music.

pleasure愉快: 强调"感觉"满足满意,而非表露在外,delight喜悦: 和上词相反,强调生动表达明显满意(即强调表露在外),joy也是喜悦: 比pleasure,delight更强烈深切(deep-rooted长期存在影响深远,如deep-rooted crime影响深远的罪行),如欢乐颂ode to joy,delectation消遣: 表示愉快经历带来的轻松散虑娱乐,enjoyment享受: 愉快经历给人带来满足,从这解释看和pleasure同样泛指愉快

记忆方法: 1)首字母PDJDE重组成DJ PED,其中DJ想成东京ped词根表示脚、行人<==愉快    (centipede: 蜈蚣白足虫,biped两足动物,如human is a biped人是二足动物, 这里想成pedestrian行人)


         3)愉快的意思是因满意愉悦感觉mean the agreeable emotion accompanying the possession or expectation of what is good or greatly desired.首字母PDJDE重组成DJ PED,其中DJ想成东京ped词根表示脚、行人<==愉快       (agreeable和pleasant完全同义,都表示令人满意)